Friday, November 25, 2011

Charity Scarves!!!!

A few more scarves done for the homeless shelter. With my huge stash of yarn I thought I would get busy using some up for a great donation. My sweet neighbor donates  two days a week at the shelter volunteering in the kitchen and graciously passes my scarves out for me.  I also like to keep a few with me in the car so if I see someone  freezing I will stop and give them a scarf and any change in my pocket.  I feel so great joy when I see a huge smile upon their faces sometimes they don't speak but their smile says it all.


  1. Very nice Christy - that's such a great thing to do. :)

  2. Very pretty :)

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. There is actually a crochet version of those hexagon puffs. :) Check it out here:

    Hope this helps :)
    Grace Ann

  3. That's a great idea, what a lovely person you are.
    Thank you for your comment over at mine, I have a list of wanna makes as long as my arm, oh dear.
    Lots of love...
    Emma xxx xxx

  4. Thanks for the link Grace Ann.. And Ty both for stopping by...

  5. What a lovely thing for you to do, I bet the people who receives them are so grateful for your kind gesture. Thanks for the lovely things you said about my blog yours is wonderful too :)

  6. Yea for you Christy! That is such a wonderful thing to do. Selfless acts of kindness truly are a blessing to the receiver and the giver. I crocheted 20 scarves a few years ago and donated them to Operation Hope which helps to give winter warmth to third country nationals. The scarves were sold at bazaars to raise money for items that would be bought and bagged to hand out in December and January when it is the coldest here. I am going to a Textile meeting tonite where crochet is on the agenda and talks about crocheting an afghan for charity. :) Hope your day is great. Tammy

  7. Thank you Tammy I hope you have a beautiful day as well..I'm trying to use up some of my stash so now I've started making granny squares 6 inch and then will put them together and donate the blanket. Ps. If I don't fall in love with it.

  8. Hello Christy,

    I love reading your blog and have given you the Liebster blog award. Enjoy!

    Lots of love...
    Emma xxx xxx xxx

  9. Hi Christy,what a lovely thing to do. I just found you through blog hopping from The log cabin. So pleased to find you,love julie.xxxxx

  10. How sweet Emma Ty. I so enjoy your blog also. Ty for the award...

  11. Welcome Julie so glad to have a new friend and blog to read...
