Friday, November 25, 2011

Charity Scarves!!!!

A few more scarves done for the homeless shelter. With my huge stash of yarn I thought I would get busy using some up for a great donation. My sweet neighbor donates  two days a week at the shelter volunteering in the kitchen and graciously passes my scarves out for me.  I also like to keep a few with me in the car so if I see someone  freezing I will stop and give them a scarf and any change in my pocket.  I feel so great joy when I see a huge smile upon their faces sometimes they don't speak but their smile says it all.


WOW what a truly great Thanksgiving with the family...So nice to hear the laughter of all the kids and the chitter chatter with all the family this was truly a great day.  Today is sunny and pretty warm ,so since the busy Turkey Day is over I finally have great sunshine to take some pics.. I'm sure my camera is good just very confusing and I have not got use to all the settings.. This is a glimpse at my wip blanket I started and seem to have no time for. It's ment to work up fast and be a four hour afghan, well not for me... I'm using two strands of acrylic yarn black and sunshine print.. I love that name... I'm working two double crochets in one stitch then skip a stitch and two double crochets in the next and so forth...with my favorite size 9.00 mm crochet hook helping me... I made a blue and white one for hubby last year and we all seem to fight over it, they are very warm and with the cold creeping up on us I thought another one is in order, since I have all boys and I'm the only girl in the house if I made it pretty girly colors the boys would not touch it.. I will let you know if my hidden plan

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pretty Hooks

I love making these pretty little handles for my crochet hooks...VERY ADDICTING I must warn you... I found this great idea when visiting a blog I read all the time.. shes very intresting and has a ton of inspiration to share with will also find the easy directions on her site to make these.. They are made from polymer clay which I never tried until the other day... I so enjoyed creating these little darlings...You will also find a great giveaway contest on her page also.. So here is what mine turned out to be not bad for a first timer, makes crocheting even more fun..I would have to say the pink and gray one is my favorite..So what are you waiting for get busy and start creating.. Just remember I warned you this is very addiciing...