Monday, October 13, 2014

Free give away......

The free give away is up and running...good luck's for a very pretty knitted hat.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Knitting and crocheting away

Yes the holiday seasons are catching up to us...I know ugh you are not liking those nasty words...but for us crocheters and knitters we have to think ahead...we love to give our homemade goodies away...I do...this year I have decided to sell something's to to help raise a little money to make hats for the homeless here in metro Detroit...the cold weather has moved in earlier then ever and I feel so blessed to have warm blankets and a home that it saddens me someone is I have the addi knitting machine so I'm gonna wip up some hats and have hubby hand deliver them...he's a plumber and works mainly in the city and sees homeless people all the time...he's always passing out water or a few bucks or a protein bar out .....  I want to make a difference even if it's in one persons life..I hope to in many but I want to give can see my work here I'm asking of you to please help by liking and sharing my page so I can help even more...I thank you in advance...I will be having a giveaway also next week...thank you all God bless...

Saturday, October 4, 2014

It's been a long night...I had surgery yesterday and have not been able to sleep..I had a hysterectomy since for two years I've had many girl one good has come out of tis now I can just sit and crochet and knit my days away..the weather here this week is suppose to be chilly and rainy...I have already gotten busy and been working on a few orders I can see them here..

Be sure to follow becaus there will be another Give Away soon...
Another thing I started doing is collecting reborn I'm not crazy obsessed...I do love them though. I'm collecting them for my grand baby.  She is one and just so precious...from the link above you will also see a peek of them...

I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy looking at my projects..I'm off to get caught up with some blogg reading..