Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spool Knitter Giveaway !!!!!!!!

Good great Sunday morning everyone...Are you ready for a great giveaway..I am...I have such great awesome blogging support from everyone and wanted to host a giveaway...So I am going to be raffling off one of my spool knitter kits that hubby and I make and sell in my etsy store.. Christycutecreations by Christycutecreations on Etsy  The raffle entry starts today and will end on Sunday May 6th at midnight...I will be announcing the winner on Monday May 7th. at !0 am.. All you have to do to be in the raffle is two things..

1..Be a follower
2..leave me a comment on this post so I can have the list of names to draw from..
3. optional...spread the word about my giveaway...

Easy I think so.. I am so excited this is my first giveaway and I can't wait to see who the winner is...have fun..

The knitter is this 4 prong 1 inch in diameter and 3 inches tall powder blue with pink flowers,, You will get the whole kit, Knitter,four colors of yarn,needle and very easy to follow instruction.. Just like the ones  I sell in my etsy store..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Been very busy spooling....

Hello my friends and good morning to you all. Yes it's once again been awhile since I have posted but I have been so busy putting together my etsy store.. I am so excited about my new products that the hubby and I have been making...They are spool knitters and I love them..I don't know if you remember a few post back I had purchased one and fell in love with it.. My daughter is also now hooked and same with my mother...So where does one go to get plenty of love and support on new projects.. Of course my blogging friends... I love the way everyone is always helping with ideas and sharing there great project if you would like to check out my store please please do..... ......let me know what you think..I am planning a craft show and think I will try them there is a sneak peek photo... Thanks again I look forward from hearing from you..Have a great day.. The sun is finally shinning here and no wind... Sounds like a day to go to the park with kids...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sundays Shopping trip...

Finally some much needed away from the boys...Don't get me wrong I love my kids but lately I have felt a little like I am going stir crazy...But after today I am fresh and new.. This morning hubby says in his OOOOO so fragile, I don't want to get my head ripped of voice, why don't you go out shopping today without the boys...WHAT!!! was that just music your were singing to me..OK dressed and out the door in thirty minutes, before he just realizes what he said...I grab my Micheal's  50 percent off coupon from my gracious neighbor and off I am and heading to Micheals...So what fab finds did I bring home....New toys... Yeah I am so excited

The Wonder Knitter!!! Where I have been not finding this fun little toy earlier...Of course since I am direction challenged I had to youtube it to see how easy and fun this is... Okay so now what to do with the coils...Ideas please...
Next up...

Knit Quick loom, which I haven't tried yet, but I have youtubed and looks super easy.. This is what I used my 50 percent coupon on.. It was regular $19.99 so half makes it 10 bucks thank you very much.. I will be giving this a go tomorrow..
And last up....
a crochet book full of monkey ideas..Made me think of my little monkeys at the in the cart it goes, and off I go missing them so and home where I was greeted with mommy I missed yous and tons and tons of hugs...
I am making progress in my craft room and will show pics soon...Hope you all had a great Sunday..loves and hugs to all.... please don't forget to share your ideas with me.....